Parenting Class Online Holmes County Florida

Parenting Class Online Holmes County Florida

Florida Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course - DCF Approved

Online Course - Begin Now - Only $19.95

In Holmes County Florida, when filing for divorce as a parent of minor children, both parents are required to separately complete a minimum of 4 hour parenting class, titled the Florida Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course, which has been approved by the Department of Children and Families. Holmes County parents of minor children can complete the Florida Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course when it's convenient for their schedule. The goal of the Florida Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course is to educate parents about changes that may occur in your family and child's life, and to provide resources to get help if needed. Each parent is required to take the course separately.

As parents, naturally you want what is best for your child, to enhance your child's life and maintain peace and stability for your child or children. The goal of our Florida Parenting course is to assist you through education to better communicate with your child's other parent to reduce friction, and provide means to reduce stress when it comes to continuing to coparent. For your convenience, we have provided the following information for those of you that require additional assistance with your divorce.

* Court requirements regarding parenting class attendance may change. Please review your Court Paperwork to ensure that attending an in-person parenting course is NOT required prior to signing up.

Holmes County Clerk of the Court
Office of the Holmes County Clerk of the Court
201 N. Oklahoma Street
Bonifay, FL32425
(850) 547-1100
Legal Aid for Holmes County
In the event that you cannot afford legal aid there are a number of resources available that may be able to provide assistance for those that qualify.
Domestic Violence in Holmes County
Holmes County Mental Health

Many individuals struggle with mental health on a reocurring basis. If you or someone you know is in need of help, the following list of resources are a great place to start.

Substance Abuse Help in Holmes County

If you or someone you know is in need of substance abuse help, please visit the following resources for information.

* Kids Matter, LLC is not affiliated with any website or business listed above and does not warranty any of the information contained herein or on any linked and / or external websites. Users are responsible for verifying accuracy of any and all information.